Consout collaborates with:
top managers industry leaders large companies medium-sized enterprises
Accounting outsourcing in Romania
Cons.out è un gruppo di professionisti che si occupa di consulenza e gestione contabile in outsource, offre cioè ad imprese ed enti la possibilità di rivolgersi ai suoi operatori per lo svolgimento di questo tipo di attività anziché gestirle in autonomia, con risparmio sui costi e di tempo da dedicare alla produttività.
Tax advice can be offered upon request by our team of consultants in Romania in full compliance with the Tax Code and related procedures. To have a correct picture of the company’s finances and to align with the requirements in the business field, tax consultancy is necessary for any type of company with establishments in Romania.
Open a company in Romania
Discover our Outsourcing services
Specialized operators able to manage the daily accounting without any time lag, but above all with the possibility of constant monitoring of the work: by connecting remotely with your management systems we will be able to interact in real time as real virtual collaborators, saving time, energy and money.
Digitization of company documents both on site and remotely and electronic conservation pursuant to the decree of the Ministry of the Economy 23/01/2004 and following provisions.
The scanned documents are subjected to: indexing, timestamping, digital signature.
This will allow, with the sole exception of customs documents, to destroy the original paper copies, reducing access times, the space required for archiving and the related costs.
Choose Consout
Debt collection
We optimize your business by reducing burdens and boring unexpected events, even recovering your credits. Whether it is large or small, we undertake to collect them as promptly as possible through our call center or better yet with targeted strategic actions. We move without aggression, but with firmness and professionalism. All as always in continuous contact with the customer.
Our professionals also take care of your corporate back office or all those activities characterized by greater repetitiveness and a lower level of professionalism, such as invoicing, treasury, warehouse documentary control, billing.
This will give the company the opportunity to allocate its human resources to more profitable activities.
Where is Consout?
Consout is a company of highly qualified professionals specialized in business internationalization, outsourcing of services, accounting management.
What does Consout do?
Cons.out is a group of professionals who deal with outsourced consultancy and accounting management, i.e. it offers companies and organizations the possibility of turning to its operators to carry out this type of activity instead of managing them independently, with savings on costs and time to devote to productivity.
Where are you located?
We are located in Str. Brestei n. 116 etaj 2, jud. Doli Craiova (RO).